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Analyze Wise Innovations

At AnalyzeWise, we believe in enhancing decision-making by combining simulations that build essential skills with real-time analytics that drive evidence-based practices. Our goal is to equip Helpers with the latest tools and technologies, enabling them to navigate complexity and maximize their impact through innovation. Contact us today to learn more about how AnalyzeWise can empower your organization.

Supportive Technology

We are dedicated to crafting innovative tools for Human Helpers in various sectors such as Child Welfare and Behavioral Health.

Online Communicatons

Generative Tools

Our custom solutions are designed to adapt to the unique challenges faced by these professionals while working in the community.

The REAL Academy’s critical reasoning and experiential training along with Administrative Tethering™ theory, practice, and data collection methods owned by The REAL Academy are federally protected by Title 35, Parts I to IV, United States Code; Title 37, Chapter I (Subchapter A, Parts 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 15a and Subchapter B); Chapter IV and Chapter V, Code of Federal Regulations. Any unauthorized disclosures or dissemination of the following information without written consent from an authorized representative of The REAL Academy are subject to penalty by law governed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). All rights reserved. If you have received any information regarding the REAL Academy’s training processes, tools, Administrative Tethering™, simulation, virtual simulation, or other protected property unintentionally delete the information as you are not authorized to have it or disclose it without potential penalty of law.

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